"Stressing output is the key to improving productivity, while looking to increase activity can result in just the opposite."
-Andy Grove
"You are what your record says you are."
- Bill Parcels
Feldsteinco LLC
Fund-raising 5.0 uses advanced ideas and strategic knowledge beyond the static methods of earlier eras. It has become clear that fund-raising success is largely explained by the interplay of just 9 things. Laser-like focus on these 9 things has an enormous impact on future success and progress. Growth is remarkably sensitive to the 9 factors in the Feldstein Scale:
Board composition, leadership, generosity, level of consciousness and engagement
CEO Leadership and absence of visible and invisible liabilities and barriers to progress within an institution’s culture – their Action Logic
Institutional aspirations, mission, and positioning of the brand
Size of lead gifts and robustness of high probability donors/prospects
Power of fund-raising strategy and thinking
Having the right donor products priced appropriately
Recipe, content, processes and technology to engage strategic donors
Mindset that anything is possible and all problems are solvable
Focus on maximizing Donor Lifetime Value (DLV)