"Stressing output is the key to improving productivity, while looking to increase activity can result in just the opposite."
-Andy Grove
"You are what your record says you are."
- Bill Parcels
Feldsteinco LLC
Growth Mindset
What does peak fund-raising performance look like?
Results that allow an institution to achieve its aspirations and dreams.
Significantly more money than ever raised before for similar purposes.
More money and donors at the 6, 7, and 8-figure major and leadership gift levels and beyond. And more too at the 5-figure level.
A significantly larger donor base and a bigger base of large donors.
Gifts from many new individuals and institutional donors who have been on your radar screen.
Smart, bold, cost-effective fund-raising where the success rate is high because you focused effectively on the right prospects with the right message. As Ted Williams, the greatest hitter of all time, would say: “you swung at the right pitches.”
Confident fund-raising that repeats because you have the message, materials, donor recognition products, prospects, and processes that enable a high volume of solicitations.
A continuous, creative, and intelligently developed list of new prospective donors.
Fund-raising focused on the 20% of donors who contribute 80% of the money.
Metrics to brag about that continuously show a significant number of the top 20% increasing their support.
Fund-raising managed to other key year-on-year metrics, including dollar-weighted renewal totals, total gifts from new donors, and increases in the number of donors by category.